
NHS SBS Trusted Supplier

SmartCo is an NHS SBS Trusted Supplier

Following a competitive procurement process, SmartCo is proud to announce that we have been selected as a trusted supplier on the NHS Shared Business Services’ Digital Health Advisory Services framework. We are very excited to offer our NHS customers another route to procure our services.

SmartCo has secured a position to provide support to NHS and public sector organisations across:

LOT 1 – Specialist Clinical and Healthcare Digital Management Consultancy

LOT 2 – Clinical and Digital Health Delivery and Augmentation

LOT 4 – Digital Skills in Healthcare 

‘This is a fantastic win for SmartCo. We’re incredibly excited for the opportunity to support our NHS customers on their digital healthcare initiatives. The Digital Health Advisory Services framework gives us a robust platform to provide our services for years to come. As we’ve been awarded on multiple lots, the scope of what we can provide is very broad, covering everything from strategy change, implementation and resource augmentation. Having worked with the NHS SBS for several years their framework is well liked by our customers. They provide attentive support and offer a straightforward call-off process. Congratulations to the SmartCo team on the bid submission and all the other successful framework suppliers. We look forward to exploring new projects and opportunities through this framework’.
George Jackson, Head of Commercial

If you would like to learn more about this framework and how it could be used at your organisation, please contact us.