
SmartCo is Carbon Neutral

SmartCo is Carbon Neutral 

We’re so pleased to announce we are a carbon neutral organisation. Not only have we been working hard at making more sustainable choices across our business to reduce our carbon footprint and limit our overall environmental impact but our carbon offsetting has saved an impressive 23 tonnes of CO2 emissions from being released into the atmosphere.

‘I’m proud to have supported SmartCo on our journey towards carbon neutrality. Changes in UK public sector carbon requirements happened to dovetail with broader SmartCo ESG ambitions to reduce our carbon footprint. Over the past 18 months we have been busy! We first appointed a Carbon Partner who specialises in giving small businesses best practical guidance. We then went through the process of creating carbon reduction plans, developing surveys across the business, actioning our plans and producing a set of detailed carbon reports. A special thanks to ESG Pro who have helped us through every stage of our carbon neutral journey.’ George Jackson, Head of Commercial

A big thanks to George and ESP Pro who have been integral in helping us to invest in a safer climate and more sustainable world.